Commander Gor'shak
Find Commander Gor'shak in Blackrock Depths.You recall that the crudely drawn picture of the orc included bars drawn over the portrait. Perhaps you should search for a prison of some sort.
Poor Gargal... didn't even see it coming. WHAM! The arrow landed dead center on the top of his head. He was no genius before but now...<Galamav grimaces.>
When we dislodged the arrow, we noticed a rolled up note attached to the shaft. On the note was a crudely drawn picture of an orc behind bars with the signature of Commander Gor'shak attached.
If he's still alive in the Depths, you'll have to find him.
A trap you say? Well no kidding, numb hooves! That's why you're going!
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Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 5100 experience ( 30 60 at max. level)
- 500 Reputation with Orgrimmar
To open his cell, you'll need the key from High Interrogator Gerstahn. She is located in a room that connects to the very back part of the prison cell ring.