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What Is Going On?

Defend Gor'shak.
Survive the Onslaught


I was sent here under the auspices of Thrall. Do you actually think these buffoons could capture me? I allowed myself to be captured so that I could gather intelligence.

<Gor'shak whispers.>

The Princess of Ironforge has been kidnapped by Emperor Thaurissan. Princess Bronzebeard is in this very city! I bet old Magni's heart almost stopped when he heard that news.

<Gor'shak laughs.>

Shhh! Do you hear that? Guards coming! DEFEND YOURSELF!




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You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4350 experience ( 26 10 at max. level)
  • 500 Reputation with Orgrimmar


Rating: +23 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
After opening the cell of Commander Gor'shak, you will be able to turn in the previous quest in this chain. The commander will then offer you this quest.

DO NOT ACCEPT IT until everyone in your group has had a chance to turn in the previous step.

Accepting this quest will cause eight low-50 elites tospawn in the hallway, rush into the cell and begin to kill the unarmed and unarmored Commander Gor'shak, which makes you fail the quest. The best way to stop them from doing this is to never let them into the cell at all, so turn in the first quest and then go back out of the cell.

Only one person has to be in the cell to activate this quest, everyone nearby will get an accept box stating "So-and-so is starting "What is going on?, would you like to as well?". Everyone accept, and the person who triggered it steps outside to rejoin the party.

The Elites will spawn in the hallway and begin rushing towards the cell. Have your warrior do an AE taunt, then pile on the area effect spells. A frost mage who can kite and Ice block is invaluable here, as you have a long hallway that has been recently cleared to play in.

Ice traps outside the cell are needed if you choose to attempt the crowd control and tank it out route, but the sheer number of attackers makes it difficult for your 5 man group. Remember to keep Gor'shak alive and you'll be ok.
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/05/2006 (Patch 1.10.2)
This is a tough fight.&nbsp We tried to win this 4 times previously trying to fight _in_ the cell.&nbsp Due to close quarters, and the cleaves that all the elites use, Gor'Shak dies in seconds.

Our plan was to use fears to break up the attacks. We cleared the hallway top to bottom to prevent adds. Then, our warlock started the script while the rest of us waited outside the cell. I Intimidating Shouted them first and we DPSed the 1st target. Fortunately Gor'Shak focused on this target.&nbsp By the time the rest returned, we were ready.&nbsp The warlock feared them, and Gor'Shak (thankfully), went after a lone runner. We caught up with them and DPS'ed that target quickly. Our priest then feared the group, and once again, Gor'Shak goes after a lone runner.&nbsp Once that target was down, I simply tanked 3 while the rest of the party DPS'ed the remainder.&nbsp They then peeled targets off of me 1 at a time until the encounter was over.&nbsp At no point during this fight did Gor'Shak ever go below 3/4 hit points.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/05/2006 (Patch 1.10.2)
This is a tough fight. We tried to win this 4 times previously trying to fight _in_ the cell. Due to close quarters, and the cleaves that all the elites use, Gor'Shak dies in seconds.

Our plan was to use fears to break up the attacks. We cleared the hallway top to bottom to prevent adds. Then, our warlock started the script while the rest of us waited outside the cell. I Intimidating Shouted them first and we DPSed the 1st target. Fortunately Gor'Shak focused on this target. By the time the rest returned, we were ready. The warlock feared them, and Gor'Shak (thankfully), went after a lone runner. We caught up with them and DPS'ed that target quickly. Our priest then feared the group, and once again, Gor'Shak goes after a lone runner. Once that target was down, I simply tanked 3 while the rest of the party DPS'ed the remainder. They then peeled targets off of me 1 at a time until the encounter was over. At no point during this fight did Gor'Shak ever go below 3/4 hit points.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/13/2006 (Patch 1.10.2)
Note: if you die and your party survives you do not get credit for the quest.. so if you have the quest make sure your party members know you can't die.
Show comment   Rating: -1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/22/2005 (Patch 1.4.2)
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By Anonymous on 09/23/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)