The Princess Saved?
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You have slain my husband, <race>! My child will be born into this world without a father.<Princess Moira points directly at you.>
I assure you, this child will be the next ruler of the kingdom of Ironforge. You and your kind shall be hunted down until the end of days for this wrongful act.
<You think that Princess Moira may be suffering from the residual effect of Thaurissan's spell.>
Leave me be, <race>. I am certain your warchief will be eager to hear the results of his meddling.
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You can choose one of these rewards:Thrall's Resolve | Eye of Orgrimmar |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 9950 experience ( 59 70 at max. level)
- 500 Reputation with Horde
- 500 Reputation with Thunder Bluff
- 500 Reputation with Undercity
This is what you do: you pretend like she's not even there,  you don't sheep her, you do not sap her, you do not seduce her, you don't even try, if she is beating on your priest just kill the emperor faster. 
With a tank, a priest, and 3 DPSers,  it's cake.  If she goes for one that just nuked the emperor, just let him die.
But don't really pretend that she isn't there  dispel thorns and fireshield, put pets to passive, use timeworn mace instead of your thunderfury, no naglering you just won, yes I know you disenchanted your other ring and you're just a druid so you probably wont aggro her, but just put it away.  Oh your shield has a mithril spike does it, well you're about to use protection stance with your ice barbed spear.
And just to be on the safe side don't use any challenging shout or demoralizing roar or whatever those tank tricks are. Don't use ice armor or touch of weakness.  And no fears please.  Think you can handle it?
Good luck.
Have fun.
Die with dignity.