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Pioneer Boots

Pioneer Boots
38 Armor
Durability 30 / 30
Requires Level 6


Ressan the Needler11
Rare Elite
Tirisfal GladesA HBeast11
Death Flayer11
Rare Elite
DurotarA HBeast10
Captain Flat Tusk
<Captain of the Battleguard>
DurotarA HHumanoid5
Felweaver Scornn11
DurotarA HHumanoid5
A HHumanoid5
Enforcer Emilgund11
Rare Elite
MulgoreA HHumanoid5
Fellicent's Shade12
Rare Elite
Tirisfal GladesA HUndead4
Sister Hatelash11
MulgoreA HHumanoid3
Warlord Kolkanis9
Rare Elite
DurotarA HHumanoid3
Rare Elite
Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid3
TeldrassilA HBeast2
Watch Commander Zalaphil9
Rare Elite
DurotarA HHumanoid1.9293
Rare Elite
Tirisfal GladesA HDemon1.8405
Rare Elite
MulgoreA HHumanoid1.76
Rare Elite
Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid1.7241
Thuros Lightfingers11
Rare Elite
Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.8065
Rare Elite
Dun MoroghA HBeast0.7246
Old Icebeard11
Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.6
The Rake10
Rare Elite
MulgoreA HBeast0.6
Geolord Mottle9
Rare Elite
DurotarA HHumanoid0.5618
Rare Elite
MulgoreA HBeast0.5464
Rare Elite
Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.5236
Great Father Arctikus11
Rare Elite
Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.5
Vejrek11Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.48
Tormented Spirit8 - 9
Rare Elite
Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.4
Dead-Tooth Jack11Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.3899
Rare Elite
Dun MoroghA HBeast0.38
Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.3697
Maggot Eye11Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.3636
Captain Beld
<Dark Iron Captain>
11Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.34
Rot Hide Gladerunner11 - 12Silverpine ForestA HUndead0.28
Worg10 - 11Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine ForestA HBeast0.2745
Mother Fang10
Rare Elite
Elwynn ForestA HBeast0.2646
Nissa Agamand10Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.26
Rockjaw Backbreaker11 - 12Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.2597
Ferocious Grizzled Bear11 - 12Silverpine ForestA HBeast0.2386
Gregor Agamand10Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.2323
Elder Black Bear11 - 12Loch ModanA HBeast0.2189
Defias Dockmaster10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.2183
Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.2087
Mangeclaw11Dun MoroghA HBeast0.202
Stonesplinter Scout11 - 12Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.1929
Forest Lurker10 - 11Loch ModanA HBeast0.1852
Captain Melrache12Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.1767
Edan the Howler9
Rare Elite
Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.16
Scarlet Neophyte10 - 11Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.16
Captain Vachon11Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.16
Dark Iron Spy9 - 10Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.16
Dark Iron Ambusher10A HHumanoid0.16
Defias Bodyguard10A HHumanoid0.16
Frostmane Shadowcaster9 - 10Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.1579
Coyote10 - 11WestfallA HBeast0.1442
Defias Footpad10 - 11WestfallA HHumanoid0.1427
Loch Frenzy12 - 13Loch ModanA HBeast0.14
Defias Ambusher8 - 9A HHumanoid0.14
Mottled Worg11 - 12Silverpine ForestA HBeast0.138
Murloc Raider11 - 12WestfallA HHumanoid0.1367
Ravenclaw Slave11 - 12Silverpine ForestA HUndead0.1282
Young Fleshripper10 - 11WestfallA HBeast0.1214
Vicious Night Web Spider9 - 10Tirisfal GladesA HBeast0.12
Thurman Agamand10Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.1185
Scarred Crag Boar9 - 10Dun MoroghA HBeast0.1112
Harvest Golem11 - 12WestfallA HMechanical0.111
Mountain Boar10 - 11Loch ModanA HBeast0.108
Coyote Packleader11 - 12WestfallA HBeast0.1079
Defias Smuggler11 - 12WestfallA HHumanoid0.1061
Ravenous Darkhound9 - 10Tirisfal GladesA HDemon0.1018
Surena Caledon9Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.1
Frostmane Hideskinner9 - 10Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.1
Captain Perrine9Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.1
Murloc Lurker9 - 10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.098
Rockjaw Ambusher9 - 10Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.094
Wailing Ancestor9 - 10Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.0936
Riverpaw Gnoll11 - 12WestfallA HHumanoid0.091
Moonrage Whitescalp10 - 11Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid0.0858
Morgan the Collector10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0808
Narg the Taskmaster10
Rare Elite
Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.08
Murloc Coastrunner11 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid0.08
Defias Rogue Wizard9 - 10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0789
Scarlet Vanguard10 - 11Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.0718
Tunnel Rat Vermin10 - 11Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0715
Princess9Elwynn ForestA HBeast0.0699
Tunnel Rat Scout10 - 11Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0686
Vile Fin Muckdweller9 - 10Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.0683
Prowler9 - 10Elwynn ForestA HBeast0.0667
Leper Gnome8 - 10Dun Morogh, undefinedA HHumanoid0.0659
Tunnel Rat Kobold11Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0655
Tunnel Rat Forager11 - 12Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.065
Rotting Ancestor10 - 11Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.0649
Shambling Horror8 - 9Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.06
Vile Fin Shredder12 - 13Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid0.06
Defias Dockworker8 - 9Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.06
Stonesplinter Trogg11 - 12Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0567
Wandering Spirit10 - 11Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.0561
Rusty Harvest Golem9 - 10WestfallA HMechanical0.0538
Riverpaw Outrunner9 - 10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0528
Tunnel Rat Digger12 - 13Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0524
Vampiric Duskbat8 - 9Tirisfal GladesA HBeast0.0512
Mine Spider8 - 9Elwynn ForestA HBeast0.0477
Young Goretusk12 - 13WestfallA HBeast0.0433
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