Emeriss NPC | Once, me (a warrior), a Priest, and a hunter found Emeriss chillin in Duskwood. I managed to convince everyone to try an By Garrosh-is-cool - Rating: 0 | 22 days ago |
Dalaran Wizard's Robe Item | So it sells for a bunch on the Alliance side, eh? Guess I'll buy it on my Horde alt and send it over to my main. Dreamsc By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | 26 days ago |
Strike of the Hydra Item | Let's do a comparison with this vs. Bloodspiller<br />Bloodspiller<br />Binds when eq By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 02/14/2025 |
Bloodspiller Item | Let's do a comparison with this vs. Strike of the Hydra.<br />Bloodspiller<br />Binds By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 02/13/2025 |
Truefaith Vestments Item | Screenshot? By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 02/13/2025 |
Spectral Researcher NPC | Dunno bout you guys, but I'd classify this ghost as a boss. By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 02/13/2025 |
Bindings of the Windseeker Item | I was soloing MC on my rogue for some gear and weapons, then this dropped off of Ba By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 02/03/2025 |
Corrupted Ashbringer Item | Yeah, so I was looking through the weapons on classicdb and this sword's DPS is only topped by a [url=https://classicdb. By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 01/30/2025 |
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Unholy Item | I got this in Strat the other day in retail Time walking Classic LFG dungeons. Would this go for much on the AH? My serv By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 01/30/2025 |
Glimmering Mail Coif Item | If you're a warrior human I think a direct-ish upgrade for this would be the Fire H By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 01/29/2025 |
Nexus Crystal Item | Does this go for much on the AH? By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 01/29/2025 |
Gressil, Dawn of Ruin Item | Looks like Andonisus. Like, exactly looks like it, not even joking. Has real By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 01/29/2025 |
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian Item | To the guy bugging out about whether or not it's the mage version, Yes its the mage version. You gotta run Naxx for the By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 01/28/2025 |
Illiyana Moonblaze NPC | different guy, go to Kelm By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 01/27/2025 |
Aegis of Stormwind Item | Interesting how Ragnaros and Co. have this shield. By TheBurningLegion - Rating: 0 | On 01/27/2025 |
Robes of the Lich Item | This is Lich Approved robes By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/13/2025 |
Blackfang Item | Found this on some trash in Stockades while a guildmate was carrying me through. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/13/2025 |
Christmas Darkmaster Gandling NPC | Well this is weird. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/10/2025 |
Glaive of the Defender Item | What is this? I would've expected some comments on this, considering it's a legendary item I've never seen before. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/10/2025 |
Raider's Shoulderpads Item | the color hierarchy of items goes: Grey, White, Green, Blue, Purple, and Gold. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
Embrace of the Wind Serpent Item | No image? Disappointing. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
Embrace of the Wind Serpent Item | No image? Disappointing. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
Skul's Fingerbone Claws Item | Vancleef, anyone? By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
Ysida's Trigger NPC | A third infernal?!?! By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
Stratholme Trigger NPC | Another friendly infernal :0 By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
Jarien and Sothos Trigger NPC | A Friendly infernal? By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
Deepstrider Giant NPC | WoW HC: Also drops the quest item (Deepstrider Tumor) for [url=htt By JustBonkee - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
Deepstrider Tumor Item | WoW HC: The actual mob you need to kill to loot this quest item is the Deepstrider G By JustBonkee - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2025 |
The Hunter's Charm Quest | If you are playing classic fresh - he's not here till phase 2. By Panick - Rating: 0 | On 01/07/2025 |
Lo'Grosh NPC | Hello Guys i am new player in wow and I search for The Pacifier mace do you know where can I find it? I am lost and I do By LindianWar - Rating: 0 | On 12/30/2024 |
Deathknight Vindicator NPC | Looks like https://classicdb.ch/?npc=10440, also drops a nice shield. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 12/18/2024 |
Deathbone Gauntlets Item | https://classicdb.ch/?npc=10433 Should've dropped this too, shame he doesn't. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 12/18/2024 |
Marduk Blackpool NPC | I always liked the glove model that he has, anyone know how to get it? By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 12/18/2024 |
The Scourge Cauldron NPC | Why is the model a bunny? By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 12/18/2024 |
Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade Item | What is this? By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 12/13/2024 |
Krastinov's Bag of Horrors Item | Hmmmmm<br />This looks familiar. By TheScourge - Rating: 0 | On 12/12/2024 |
A Shifty Merchant Quest | Instead of asking sarcastically for TBC players. You would learn more if you directed the communication towards the game By eschlerz - Rating: 0 | On 09/21/2024 |
A Shifty Merchant Quest | False, these quests are important for some classes in classic. If you like The Burning Crusade, stick to that my guys. I By eschlerz - Rating: 0 | On 09/21/2024 |
Oran's Gratitude Quest | This quest is marked as available to both factions for some reason... By Tarpe - Rating: 0 | On 07/21/2024 |
Grim Message Quest | This quest is marked as available to both factions for some reason... By Tarpe - Rating: 0 | On 07/21/2024 |
Ripple Recovery Quest | This quest is marked as available to both factions for some reason... By Tarpe - Rating: 0 | On 07/21/2024 |
White Punch Card Item | can someone tell me how to use the white P card? i have it but when i click on the machine a it just tell me to have a w By belladona - Rating: 0 | On 03/18/2024 |
Kroshius' Infernal Core Quest | Odds are pretty low you'll see this, but I wanted to tell you that this was a really nice and useful post.<br /><br />Thank you. By seviLreficuL - Rating: 0 | On 03/12/2024 |
A Donation of Silk Quest | "Absolutely heartwarming! <a href="https://www.pattupavadai.com/category/clearence-sale">PattuPavadai</a> silk clothes f By Pattupavadai - Rating: 0 | On 02/12/2024 |
The Defias Brotherhood Quest | This is a rare case where I believe the Progress quest text is incorrect. Instead of saying "What business do you have w By falrinth - Rating: 0 | On 12/06/2023 |
Warcaller Gorlach NPC | Don't run clockwise - he patrols clockwise. Run counter-clockwise By jimmy2222 - Rating: 0 | On 11/10/2023 |
Iron Grenade Item | cringe bro.... By skykenny3030 - Rating: 0 | On 10/08/2023 |
Theldren NPC | crazy dmg wow By skykenny3030 - Rating: 0 | On 10/08/2023 |
Shadowstrike Item | Why is it useless? By gerhajdu - Rating: 0 | On 08/19/2023 |
Shadowstrike Item | I registered only to find out why does it has such a bad rep. It's pretty good for tanks imo. By gerhajdu - Rating: 0 | On 08/19/2023 |
Zerillis NPC | If you're playing on 1.12, don't try to Distract him, because he and his patrol buddy share aggro. No matter how far the By kawasemi - Rating: 0 | On 05/07/2023 |
Zerillis NPC | If you're playing on 1.12, don't try to Distract him, because he and his patrol buddy share aggro. No matter how far the By kawasemi - Rating: 0 | On 05/07/2023 |
Gnomish Tools Item | I confirm that it's 30 sec respawn time. By marsa - Rating: 0 | On 04/12/2023 |
Warlord Krellian Quest | No one cares about the BOE blue drop you got. By ognennyy - Rating: 0 | On 03/19/2023 |
Thora Feathermoon NPC | 4 Man Party LV 20-30 can take down these elite. This is my VOD.<br /><br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsf8gPTzw7k By hornet_cable - Rating: 0 | On 03/16/2023 |
Pack Mule NPC | If there is ever an upgrade to this NPC, it would be GREAT if the "pack mule" could actually accept pack slots! Then ite By wa8ycd - Rating: 0 | On 03/06/2023 |
The Stagnant Oasis Quest | Nobody seems to be able to comment how to fix the issues with using the Dried Seeds on this quest. For me, when I'm righ By Luzburg - Rating: 0 | On 02/28/2023 |
Get the Scoop Quest | Cool story queer. No one asked you how hard it was, or if you see a problem. People come here to see objective steps t By ognennyy - Rating: 0 | On 02/26/2023 |
An OOX of Your Own Quest | So, I went around to all 3 locations for the OOX escort quests and none of them had exclamation points above them and Og By glttrguitarangel - Rating: 0 | On 02/18/2023 |
Tiny Crimson Whelpling Item | yo, i just farm less 10 minute and drop this<br />what a luck for new player By brutum - Rating: 0 | On 01/07/2023 |
Neru Fragment Item | I found it at 32,48 near Snarltooth on a low hill. It's a pile of dirt. By JustInconsistent - Rating: 0 | On 08/05/2022 |
Attunement to the Core Quest | Soloed with paladin easy :). But if you want to make it easier, you need some invisibility potions, and health potion. I By JunKoKo - Rating: 0 | On 04/03/2022 |
Claim Rackmore's Treasure! Quest | Despite the countless comments, i got the gold key from a slitherblade oracle, on first kill, after 20 minutes of farmin By Bvictory - Rating: 0 | On 03/11/2022 |
Dreadmist Mask Item | I rolled it as shaman, though according to comments here I had to give it to priest or warlock. Feel a bit sad about it. By gef - Rating: 0 | On 01/27/2022 |
Garments of Darkness Quest | Just use "Lesser Heal" lv2, after use "Fortitude" on soldier. quest complete! By bultaros - Rating: 0 | On 01/09/2022 |
Lord Victor Nefarius NPC | Lord Victor Nefarius.<br /><br />I measured his height, weight and arm reach using the usual in-game male human bodyfat of 8-9% By Alex112 - Rating: 0 | On 12/30/2021 |
Metzen the Reindeer Quest | Soloed with 49 enhancement shaman. Rushed forward, speaked with the reindeer ran away, died and reincarnated. By gef - Rating: 0 | On 12/15/2021 |
Wandering Forest Walker NPC | World of Warcraft Classic SOM:<br /><br />I found one at 53.17 46.40 By alisatripas - Rating: 0 | On 12/14/2021 |
Georgia NPC | She’s a woman, a mother, and she’s christian, very important. By Bahz17 - Rating: 0 | On 12/13/2021 |
Ambassador Infernus NPC | Tried to solo as 41 shaman without any potions, failed. By gef - Rating: 0 | On 11/20/2021 |
Bloodscalp Tusk Item | There is no chance in hell this pubic hair ripping item has a n 80% drop rate By Anon - Rating: 0 | On 05/17/2021 |
Whirlwind Warhammer Item | This looks like a shit the whirlwind axe took By Anon - Rating: 0 | On 05/14/2021 |
Stranglethorn Fever Quest | I did this quest first with my Paladin solo lv 46 and failed, so it´s not so easy as some say. I did it again in lv 47 a By ModestyX9 - Rating: 0 | On 04/07/2021 |
Nifty Stopwatch Item | Helping a friend with the Nifty Pocketwatch trinket quest today - https://classicdb.ch/?item=2820 The quest line is in b By Channah - Rating: 0 | On 02/18/2021 |
This Is Going to Be Hard Quest | Helping a friend with the Nifty Pocketwatch trinket quest today - https://classicdb By Channah - Rating: 0 | On 02/18/2021 |